Friday, July 3, 2009


Nothing else needs to be said, it is miserable. With it being so overcast and wet for the past I don’t know how many weeks, I was finding it very hard to motivate myself to create any new glass pieces. Today I went into the Center for the first time in months and discovered that a new glass artist to the Island has the place full of pieces and I actually had to look around twice before I found my items in a corner. That was the kick I needed.

Tonight they are calling for thunder and lightening so I won’t turn the kiln on, however I do have numerous molds already filled and ready to do some casting. I have some fleur de lis molds ready to go, if they come out good I will approach the Fortress  Louisbourg gift shop, which is a national park situated on Cape Breton.

Also some faces medium and small in size. The small ones would make nice pendants. Also getting the casting molds ready to do more boxes and sea creatures.

Then I decided I will make some larger pieces that fit the stands I have in the shop. Also have some other ideas cooking but will wait until they are finished and I can post the pictures. Look for new photos first of next week

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