Friday, February 26, 2010

Finished Fused Glass pieces

Okay so the Olympics has taken over my life, it is almost over but remember the Brier starts on March 8.

Just to let you know that although I haven’t been blogging I have been working at glass in between everything and have some pictures to prove it.


Night lights finished, bagged, tagged and ready for sale


Stars – made, bagged tagged and ready for sale


Pictures finished, framed and ready for sale

And last but not least spent time trying to decide how to display our table this year as we are only going to have one instead of the 1 1/2 like last year. So room is the key. Found these new display items for our jewellery pieces.


It’s great, will hold approx 25 pieces and will take up less than a foot of table space.

So that has been my past 2 weeks.

There are drawer pulls firing now as I try to construct a back for them, there are clock pieces being done, lupine hot pads and belt buckles in the works.

Next week, new month

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February Challenge

Even though I haven’t posted for the week I have been busy working on the business. The last 3 days and the next 16 or so are going to be tough as I am a great winter Olympics fan. It certainly doesn’t hurt that it is in Canada either, except the other side of the country and late hours for me.

However back to the challenge. Here are some pictures of some items done this week


Large piece within the series started last week. Colours get added and dropped depending what I am working on.

Also carried it through to some night lights



They look good plugged in with the light shinning through. You can see the different sizes of glass used and the texture on these are great.

And last but not least pieces for our town series that also will be made into night lights. These are fresh from the kiln in these photos and still have some fibre powder on them but look good.





These are my accomplishments this week. Also am working on a new computer program for artists. It is being developed by a company in the States and Jim  has very graciously allowed me to participate in the testing. So I have started populating it yesterday. It will be amazing once I get the info in.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fused Glass – February Project

To keep up with our challenge the kiln is full tonight. The mirror frame is hopefully being fixed, 10 small pieces in Our Town series either night lights or small wind chimes, whatever I decide in the morning as well as several larger pieces of the jellies. trying to get ahead so I can vegetate in front of the TV during the Olympics.

Monday not good for glass

Well I didn’t get things in the kiln as I wanted but did my chores and picked up the hot plate to be able to kiln wash my metal molds. They have to stay hot so the kiln wash will stick.

Did have lunch with some good friends which is always fun and sets the right frame of mind for everything else. We love to laugh and we do lots of that when we are together.

Here is a picture of a mirror frame I am working on. I am posting this before I get the mirror in to stay with the spirit of the February project.


This is fused glass pieces. I used white and black iridized with some of the iridized flipped to plain black. It will look great once the mirror is in it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fused Glass Project for February Project

I am glad it’s Friday. I took on this February project with Janet and friends, and committed for weekdays only. I will have to use the weekend to get the brain cells active and plan my weeks for projects. My intentions are always good for planning but I am not very good at sticking to them. However I will try.

Here are my finished pieces for Friday the 5th. I do need a name for the series. So all suggestions for names will be greatly appreciated.I will do in different colours. My friend Shari says it reminders her of jelly. They are fused to a contour finish. The shapes of the pieces remain but there are no sharp point. All are soft and rounded.



Unfortunately not the best pictures in the world. Glass is very hard to get a decent picture of.

The 2 in one frame is a wall hanging only and the single one is a stand up frame.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today’s Project- “the Pier” fused glass streetscape

Was off to the Cape Breton Center for Craft and Design this morning for the opening of an exhibit called “up Home” It was there that the finished piece was given to it’s owner.

She grew up in the Pier, officially known as Whitney Pier and locally known as the Pier. She liked the bright colours and the reminders of our childhood when there was a diner and banks and Archie’s open and thriving.


004  Here we have a bank, Moraff’s Yarns(still open), a fish and chip diner(we couldn’t remember the name) It is one of those things that will wake you up at 3 am because you remember it then. And of course Archie’s Dry Goods store. The church being one of many in the small community has family ties and it is St. Philip’s African Orthodox Church.

Hope she has as much enjoyment seeing it as I had making it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February Project

I have decided to take my friend Janet up on her challenge.

I will work everyday in February except for weekends either at the kiln or finishing projects from the kiln.

Hopefully this will kick start me in the right direction for the season.

So I started today and have several pieces in the kiln. One is the second firing of a panel I want to give tomorrow. Nothing like cutting it close. The worst is I usually do these in one firing and not sure why this time I decided to do it in stages. Hope it works, I slowed down the ramp up times as well as holding longer at the annealing time. Keep the fingers crossed.

Also have my first attempt at a mirror frame in the kiln. As well as 4 other pieces that are simply experimental getting ready for some frit painting.


As well I will shortly finish a piece I worked on yesterday. Will post a picture later.