Sunday, July 12, 2009

End of Week Wanderings

I did a little bit of work and a little bit of site seeing the end of this week. Started on Friday and wound our way through back roads to Louisbourg. Stopped at the Visitor Information Center and dropped of a fleur de lis. Am hoping that we can do some business together. If you haven’t been to Fortress Louisbourg in awhile it is worth a day of your time. Wander the park grounds and take in all the sites. It is truly a “back in time” feeling and one you shouldn’t miss. Take a jacket just in case although one wasn’t needed on Friday. The folks in the Information Center and on the grounds are friendly and professional and a pleasure to deal with.

Of course couldn’t leave Louisbourg without driving to Lighthouse Point. And even though I didn’t take a picture of the lighthouse I did of the Fortress from there.

shari's 039  You can tell it was a beautiful bright sunny day and we sat at the picnic table letting the world pass by.

Yesterday, Saturday, we travelled to the other side of the Island. Another beautiful day. We took the Englishtown ferry instead of driving the loop. The new ferry arrived this winter. I don’t like it, can’t stand at the railings any more and that was the fun part that we did since we were kids.(that wasn’t yesterday) Progress isn’t always better.

We stopped at a few gift shops along the way and ended at Wendy’s and saw 2 pieces of my fused pieces one being My red fused glass in Peter's jewellery. Had a great visit and found out that Wendy is going to have demonstrations at her shop this year. One is going to be a young glass blower. Watch for that date as we don’t have any glass blowers on the Island so it should be fun and informative.

Or next and last stop was at Shari’s new basket studio. She has been working hard and this is her first season in her new studio so if you are out in the River Bennett area stop in and see her work. It is awesome. She does baskets as well as twig furniture.We did take a few pictures there

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The love seat Lorraine is sitting in is extremely comfortable.  Check out her blog at

And now that it is summer it is  to hot for Milley to stay in the car so she stayed home and sulked. She won’t look and is with holding kisses. Oh well!!!!

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Next week will be new fused and slumped glass pieces. I have several pieces ready to be slumped and others in the head that need to be made.

Stay tuned.




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