Friday, February 5, 2010

Fused Glass Project for February Project

I am glad it’s Friday. I took on this February project with Janet and friends, and committed for weekdays only. I will have to use the weekend to get the brain cells active and plan my weeks for projects. My intentions are always good for planning but I am not very good at sticking to them. However I will try.

Here are my finished pieces for Friday the 5th. I do need a name for the series. So all suggestions for names will be greatly appreciated.I will do in different colours. My friend Shari says it reminders her of jelly. They are fused to a contour finish. The shapes of the pieces remain but there are no sharp point. All are soft and rounded.



Unfortunately not the best pictures in the world. Glass is very hard to get a decent picture of.

The 2 in one frame is a wall hanging only and the single one is a stand up frame.

1 comment:

Jean Nicol said...

Your "friday project" is an awesome idea! Gives a whole new meaning to TGIF! Does your group accept new members?

I like your Friday Feb 5 Project, initially made me think of jellybeans, but they would be all the same size & shape and part of the beauty of the glass is the free form it takes in the kiln.

Could you make one large enough to fill the frame? What would it sell for - say an 8 X 10 size or 6 X 8 size?