Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dichroic Glass Sculptures

Well I finally took some time to get some pictures. First the fleur de lis for Fortress Louisbourg. Even did some special carding.

Here are the dichroic pendants, magnets and coasters and hot pads.

Dichroic Sulpture 010

Dichroic Sulpture 014

Dichroic Sulpture 041

Then I did a new grouping of tacked dichroic pendants for the ships and while I was at it did some framed pieces  that I call dichroic sculptures. Unfortunately these pictures don’t do them justice but will try to get better ones before putting them on the web.

 Dichroic Sulpture 025 Dichroic Sulpture 027

Dichroic Sulpture 018 Dichroic Sulpture 030

Dichroic Sulpture 022 Dichroic Sulpture 032

Dichroic Sulpture 035 Dichroic Sulpture 036

I am really pleased with these pieces especially the one in the pewter frame. The wooden frames can stand, be hung or lay flat. the pewter frame is for hanging only and is bigger than the others as well as the glass pieces is larger.

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